
How do I get my bank statement included on the list of formats available for RecXpress?

If you want your bank statement format included in the list of formats available for RecXpress, you need to supply PereSoft with the following information: 

  1. A detailed record layout of your bank statement format which can be obtained from your bank.

  2. The record types you are importing, e.g. bank charges, forex, interest, etc.

  3. A sample file (for testing) which consists of at least 20 records and a wide assortment of the different types of entries.

  4. The name of both the bank and the import being used. This name will be used in the drop down combo box on the RecXpress Options screen.

  5. The serial number of the RecXpress purchased by the client. PereSoft will only write the interface to the bank statement format for clients who have already purchased the RecXpress. This will ensure development costs of the new bank statement interface is covered. All new banks are automatically included in the updates to RecXpress which is available to all users within the region.

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